Minneapolis Jeff Galloway Kickoff Event

Sunday, July 29, 2012

If There Was a Such Thing as Motherhood Olympics

Here's the sports I'd consider competing in on a good day.

Timed Trials of Wagon-rama.
           Circling a patch of un-mowed grass numerous times while pulling a wagon of 3 children.

Memorizing the lines of 10 Disney movies.

Fix a meal 4 children will love.

Successfully say "no" to an adolescent for the entire trip inside a store of infinitely desired things.

Have 7 consecutive days of no children in mom's bed.

Get through a 24-hour period without tantrums.

Complete pedicures on kiddy toes in world record time.

Go for a run with all kids happy on the way out the door and upon returning.

World record time potty training.

Get through a 24-hour period with all toddler #1 and #2 making it into the toilet.

Filly sippy cup with water before toddler says "wa-wa" 5 times.

Now, it's your turn. Please add a comment about what motherhood, work, or other made-up sport you'd consider competing in on a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post! The "wa wa" one was classic! LOL! How about this one: simultaneously fixing dinner, unloading/loading dishwasher, responding to dj requests on the ipod from 4 yr old, putting potty-training toddler on potty every 20 minutes, and breaking up numerous sibling battles over babydolls and strollers.
