Minneapolis Jeff Galloway Kickoff Event

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pace = Time/Distance

Speed Wednesday is here again. Not so excited today since training calls for 8 miles consisting of 2 mile warm up, 2x2 miles with each 2 miles faster than the previous, and 2 mile cool down. Sure, I ran 8 miles on Saturday at a comfortable 9'42" pace, but today is the first run where I actively consider a pace strategy. In order to run a sub 2 hour half-marathon, pace has to be 9'09" or faster. With that goal front and center of my thoughts here on out for the next 3 weeks, I will be chasing that pace for every run, whether it's Speed Wednesday or Long Run Saturday.

I think it was last night when I fully realized that at this stage in training, it's time to let go of science and run the miles I want to run. My latest Google search, "how many seconds faster will I run a race with adrenaline" got me no where. My bad for thinking useful scientifically proven information to be on the web. The thought occurred to me that looking for such information would take more energy than coming up with pace goals for each 2 miles of Speed Wednesday. Therefore, I jotted down some Pace=time/distance equations for a few minutes until deciding painting my nails cherry red would make me feel the pace I want to set.

Some part of my brain is hinting to me that this is a do or don't run. It's time to barbecue or mildew. Based on my mile splits from my last 2 runs, the suspended fight inside me is on the prowl and ready to attack. 

In addition to the almighty pace, there are other important factors that I will need to focus on if I'm going to be prepared by race day. 

#1 Breathing -  Last week's panic attack has taught me to breathe with my mouth open in a pattern. 

#2 Positive Self Talk - Running solo during this entire training has made me incredibly more aware of how kind I must be to myself in goal-setting. Hearing my voice speak to me as my best friend or my sister has gotten me through the toughest miles so far. I'm beside myself excited to run with my sister for the race, to have our voices together.

#3 Body Form and Control - Hips forward, shoulders up, knees high, striking the ground mid-foot, body loose, and remember to smile.

#4 Trust - In the training. Trust in the plan. Trust my heart. Trust my breath. Trust my legs. Trust the journey.

#5 Push Fear!

#6 Water and Carbs.

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